
In yoga, a nadi is a channel through which life force energy, or prana, flows. Nadi are said to be an important component of the subtle body, which is the energetic or spiritual aspect of the human body.

According to traditional yogic texts, there are said to be over 72,000 nadis in the human body, although only three of these are considered to be the most important: ida, pingala, and sushumna. Ida and pingala are said to originate from the base of the spine and spiral around the central channel, while sushumna is said to run straight up the spine.

The flow of prana through the nadis is said to be influenced by many factors, including posture, breath, and meditation. Through the practice of yoga and other techniques, individuals can learn to control and direct the flow of prana through the nadis, in order to promote health and wellbeing on all levels, from the physical to the emotional and spiritual.
