Reading comprehension

Reading comprehension is the ability to understand and interpret the meaning of the text you are reading. It involves using prior knowledge, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills to comprehend what you have read. Good reading comprehension is essential for academic and professional success.

To improve your reading comprehension, you can use several strategies. Firstly, previewing or skimming through the material before reading can give you a general idea of what to expect. Secondly, while reading, try to identify the main ideas, themes, and the author's tone. You can also highlight, underline, or take notes while reading to help you retain information. Finally, after reading, summarise what you have learned or discuss it with someone else to reinforce the information.

Another factor that affects reading comprehension is the readability of the text. The readability of a text is determined by its vocabulary, sentence structure, and complexity. Reading materials that are too complex can make comprehension difficult. To improve comprehension, it's best to choose materials that are suitable for your reading level.

Reading comprehension