An open-ended question is a type of question that cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" response. Instead, it requires the respondent to provide a more detailed and thoughtful answer.
Open-ended questions are often used in research and interviews, as they allow for more in-depth and nuanced responses. They can be particularly useful for gathering qualitative data, as they allow participants to express their thoughts and opinions in their own words.
In addition to research, open-ended questions can also be useful in a variety of other contexts. For example, they can be used in coaching and counselling sessions to encourage clients to explore their thoughts and feelings more deeply.
When asking open-ended questions, it is important to use language that is neutral and non-judgmental, and to avoid leading the respondent towards a particular answer. It can also be helpful to use follow-up questions to further explore and clarify the respondent's answers.
In contrast to closed-ended questions, which provide limited options for responses, open-ended questions encourage more creative and diverse responses. They can be a powerful tool for gathering information and promoting deeper understanding.
Open-ended question
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