The subconscious mind refers to the part of the mind that operates below the level of conscious awareness. It is responsible for controlling many automatic processes in the body, such as breathing and heart rate, and it also plays a role in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behaviour.
The subconscious mind is believed to be the storehouse of our memories, experiences, beliefs, and emotions, both positive and negative. These can influence our conscious thoughts and actions without our awareness.
In mental self-help, understanding the subconscious mind can be beneficial as it allows you to explore and understand the underlying causes of certain behaviours or emotions. Techniques such as hypnotherapy and meditation can be used to access the subconscious mind and reprogram it for positive change.
It is important to note that while the subconscious mind can influence our behaviour, it does not control it completely. It is still possible to consciously override subconscious programming with conscious effort and intention.
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