SQ3R is a study method that is often used in academic settings to help improve reading comprehension and retention. The acronym SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review, and each step in the process involves a different approach to reading and studying.

The first step in the SQ3R method is to survey the material by quickly scanning the headings, subheadings, and any other important features of the text. This step helps provide an overview of the material and can help identify key themes and concepts.

The next step is to generate questions about the material based on the survey. These questions should be focused on the key themes and concepts that were identified during the survey. By generating questions, you can focus your reading and help identify important information.

The third step is to read the material carefully, taking notes on important information and key concepts. It is important to read actively, highlighting key passages and taking notes on important information.

After reading, the fourth step is to recite or summarise the material in your own words. This step helps to reinforce the information and identify any areas where further study may be necessary.

The final step in the SQ3R method is to review the material periodically to help reinforce the information and improve retention. Reviewing can involve re-reading notes or summaries, generating new questions, or using other methods to test your knowledge of the material.