Oxygen saturation

Oxygen saturation, also known as SpO2, is a measure of the amount of oxygen in the blood. It is expressed as a percentage and is a key indicator of respiratory function.

Oxygen saturation is measured using a device called a pulse oximeter, which uses light to determine the amount of oxygen in the blood. The device is non-invasive and is often used in medical settings to monitor the oxygen levels of patients with respiratory problems or other medical conditions.

Normal oxygen saturation levels range from 95% to 100%. Lower levels may indicate a problem with respiratory function or a medical condition that affects oxygen uptake or delivery. In some cases, oxygen supplementation may be required to increase oxygen levels and improve respiratory function.

Altitude, exercise, and specific medical conditions are a few other factors that can affect oxygen saturation. It is important for individuals to be aware of their oxygen saturation levels and to seek medical attention if levels are consistently below normal or if symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain are present.

Oxygen saturation